Carlos’s debut film, Blindspotting, premiered opening night at Sundance 2018 and was subsequently released by Lionsgate Entertainment. Carlos was nominated by the DGA for Outstanding Directorial Achievement of a First-Time Feature Film. His second film, Summertime, premiered opening night of Sundance 2020 and will be released in June of 2021. Carlos' third film, Raya and the Last Dragon will be released by Disney in March of 2021. On the TV side, Carlos directed an episode of FX’s Legion and is working on an original show at UCP. He began his career directing music videos for musicians like Billie Eilish, Father John Misty, Thundercat and Flying Lotus, Carly Rae Jepsen, Clipping, and Passion Pit. In 2012, he won a Latin Grammy for an animated music video he directed for artists Jesse & Joy. He is currently directing an original animated feature at Disney Animation set to release in 2023 as well as the live-action adaptation of Disney's Robin Hood.